A distilled list of principles I try to apply wherever I can.

  1. Use systems to manage your life
    1. Have an inbox & clean it regularly
    2. Do periodic reviews
    3. Be consistent
      1. Use checklists & templates
      2. Leverage standards & pre-existing work
    4. Externalize your brain
      1. Keep notes, project lists, and reference materials
  2. Keep it simple and focused
    1. Do one thing instead of two
      1. Say less to be heard more
    2. Eliminate things before adding stuff
    3. Prefer the option with the fewest moving parts
      1. Prefer the option that’s easiest to explain
  3. Bias toward action
    1. Learn by doing - do project-based learning
    2. Prefer quick, cheap empirical results over theory
      1. Ask “what’s the smallest, fastest way I could test this idea?”
    3. Prefer removing obstacles over adding effort
      1. Tailor your environment for success. Remove distractions & temptations. Add cues for positive habits.
  4. Embrace the pain
    1. The hard way is often the easy way
    2. Don’t worry about looking good, worry about achieving the outcome
    3. Pain is necessary and inevitable
      1. Growth comes through pain
      2. Ask yourself what the pain is teaching you
    4. Remember that maintenance is appreciation
      1. Don’t skip workouts. Don’t skip reps. Don’t compromise form.
  5. Pay attention to what’s important
    1. An accurate understanding of reality is the foundation for any good outcome
      1. Learn as much as you can
    2. Regularly reflect on life - what’s working & what’s not
    3. Use the Pareto Principle
    4. Measure what you want to manage
  6. Don’t go it alone
    1. Use your team
    2. Help others where you can
    3. Share the joy
      1. Celebrate your wins
      2. Work the process together