Motto: When “Running to the Store” is Literally Possible

I’ve lived in five types of places in my life: 1. In a small town 2. In the country 3. In a small city/big town 4. In a big city 5. In a suburb So far, I’m most a fan of the small city or the suburb. Rather than “write” a lot of subjective bologna about the difference between the different environments I’ve lived in, I’m going to present the case graphically:

Table of RecreationSmall TownCountrySmall CityBig CitySuburb
Gym - weightsXXX
Gym - basketballXX
Pool I’d Actually UseX
Pool TableXX
Bicycle FriendlyXXXX

Top 5: Specific Perks of This Suburb 5. Sits on the interstate I find most useful 4. Excellent representation of places I like to eat/shop without an overwhelming amount of places I don’t 3. A source of potentially career-long employment 2. 10 minutes to the Plaza. 10 minutes to Downtown 1. The name lends itself to puns

“You make Spongebob face burps” - Melissa -