
I’m Aaron Gillespie. I’m the tall guy in that picture down there. This website is my internet-facing presence. I maintain it for fun and to keep myself producing creative content. I’m a married father of two. I am an Electrical Engineer by education, but have spent more energy learning to code and build things since my graduation from college. I’m an advocate of self-tracking, making life fun, and getting things done.

This Website

Written by Me, primarily to host The Column, but also to serve as my “main” presence on the web1 & host some other things (e.g. Tools I Use & Now).

The Column

“The Column” is my blog. It is the headlining feature of this website. It has existed in one form or another for most of the past two decades, from a “The Column” section of the Xanga page for a band the I was in for 3 weeks in middle school, to a WordPress page hosted by a friend, to a Tumblr right after college, to Blogger past 7 years, and now on GitHub Pages. I write the Column because I enjoy writing. If you enjoy any portion of reading it, that’s a happy side effect. Columns cover whatever topic I feel like writing about at the time. As such, their content is usually contemporaneous to the time and always informal.


I like to make things. Sometimes I forget things I’ve made. The Creations Catalog page is meant to be a catalog of some of the stuff I’ve made over the years.


My Now page is a now page.

Tools I Use

Here’s what I use to do things.

My Other Things

This is not my only website.


Gillespedia is a public-facing version of my notes. It’s a cache of >1500 evergreen and atomic notes in an Obsidian-based slip-box.

Similar to this website, everything there is written by me using Obsidian. Unlike this blog (which uses Quartz publishing, lightly modified), I’m using Obsidian’s native publish method for Gillespedia.

Aaron’s Puzzles

I make cyber-physical puzzle boxes, hosted here. At a cadence of one-per year. This year’s puzzle box is Brief Mystery.

Personal Data Warehouse

I built a framework (released as an NPM Module) to build a system for storing personal event-based data. I use this every day for tracking things like sleep, workouts, and quotes. Read more here.

We Scene a Movie

I have a movie-based podcast. We’re bad, but it’s fun to make. We’re available wherever you get your podcasts. We also only put out episodes every few weeks or so - not much of a commitment. Look at me selling so effectively.


  1. although this is becoming increasingly arguable as Gillespedia grows