Motto: It has been a Very Interesting Quarter-Century

I am 25 years old. My birthday was this past Thursday, August 1st. I would like to say “I can’t believe how old I am! Where did the time go!?” I think that’s what you are supposed to say…

But, I know the answer to that. I can believe how old I am. What I can’t believe is that before I turn fifty I will get to live another day for each day I have been already been alive. I will have at least my current level of understanding and faculty, my current level of independence and capability. I get to relive all the days I’ve lived thus far, except I get to make all the choices I never got to make when I was a kid; and I gotta say, I look forward to it.

My 25th birthday party was easily the best one I have in memory. All my best friends from the various aspects of my life got together, got to meet one-another, and got to just hang out. Nothing crazy. Nothing too boring, either (at least, not in my eyes). It included (probably) the best Rick Roll of all time, followed by the official screening of the Second-a-Day video for a dozen of my favorite people in the world.

Without further ado, My 24th Year:

{% include video id=“8_AwZQKjplc” provider=“youtube” %}

Looking forward, I still have a lot of ambitions. I haven’t reached max level yet. I have plans. I have goals.

One of my plans/goals - Second-a-Day: My 25th Year.

The picture to go out on, a screenshot from my birthday:

Not quite visible: The Avengers-themed birthday cake

Top 5: Seconds from My 24th Year

  1. October 27th - Alissa gets married
  2. September 24th - my first day of my first real job
  3. August 8th - JIF GIF somehow makes the front page of Reddit
  4. December 26th - My family finds a long-lost favorite family video
  5. April 9th - the proposal


“You’re halfway to 50. Dude, you’re old.” Jon, or maybe Joe, or maybe Josh