a fun little hello image

Hi. I'm Aaron. Welcome to my website. I'm glad you're here.

I write and create things to entertain and inform... mostly myself. I don't sell anything. I'm not here to make money. I'm here to enjoy myself; and I hope you do too. See what I'm up to now.

Main Attractions

This website is hosted by GitHub Pages, utilizing the Minimal Mistakes theme with almost no retooling.

Recent posts

#377 - 30 Day Challenges

  10 minute read

In late 2013 I watched a TED Talk that changed my life. Attributing a life change to a TED Talk feels somewhat embarrassing in 2019, but it happened to me. T...

#376 - New Column!

  3 minute read

I said I was interested in changing up The Column. This is me doing that. For future reference, this is the first post I’m writing after my move from Blogger...

#374 - Feature: Google Lament

  7 minute read

Motto: Okay Google... what's your goal here?IntroThis post is going to be an expansion on something I wrote about in Column #354. It will (hopefully) complet...

#373 - Simplicity & Embracing “Good Enough”

  6 minute read

Motto: Keep It Simple, StupidI suck at what I'm about to write about.An overarching theme for most of my posts lately (and because my writing so closely rela...