a fun little hello image

Hi. I'm Aaron. Welcome to my website. I'm glad you're here.

I write and create things to entertain and inform... mostly myself. I don't sell anything. I'm not here to make money. I'm here to enjoy myself; and I hope you do too.

Main Attractions

This website is hosted by GitHub Pages, utilizing the Minimal Mistakes theme with almost no retooling.

Recent posts

#367 - Short Book Review: Broken Angels

  7 minute read

Motto: You can probably just stop reading.This post is not for anyone. I wanted to write it, though. TL;DR - I read two books, one was good, one was not. Als...

#366 - Feature: Google Takeout

  9 minute read

Motto: Google is GodThere's a Google product you should know about; it's called Google Takeout. It is not a food service, so don't get excited. Don't ma...

#364 - The Engineering Binder (Working Title)

  4 minute read

Motto: Free the BeastI want to write a book. I don't to write a book so that I can "I'm a guy who's written a book", but because I have something have I...

#363 - Time & Date

  3 minute read

Motto: This Column was Meant to be about Many TopicsI have been thinking some about how stupid our conventions are for times and dates. I wonder if I could c...