a fun little hello image

Hi. I'm Aaron. Welcome to my website. I'm glad you're here.

I write and create things to entertain and inform... mostly myself. I don't sell anything. I'm not here to make money. I'm here to enjoy myself; and I hope you do too. See what I'm up to now.

Main Attractions

This website is hosted by GitHub Pages, utilizing the Minimal Mistakes theme with almost no retooling.

Recent posts

#297 - Building Stuff/Aaron’s Desk

  3 minute read

Motto: Mr. Handy Man CanMy grandpa was a carpenter. My dad builds stuff. It turns out I build some stuff too.Am I great? No.Am I capable?Arguably.My who...

#296 - More Eclectic Thoughts than Last Time

  5 minute read

Motto: Labor Day = Don't Go to Work? What?Last Column was very... focused. This time the glasses are coming off. Things are going to be nice and out-of-...


  3 minute read

Motto: WELCOME TO MY NATION OF ARTICULATIONI'm an adult, dude.I'm sitting at the table in my kitchen, the one that used to be my only table. I own a table. I...

#294 - My 27th Year

  4 minute read

Motto: Jason UnbourneI haven't written in a while because I haven't had internet in a while. Melissa and I are moving to a full-blown house in less than a we...

#293 - One Big Chicken

  2 minute read

Motto: Is the "Of Pisa" really necessary?Stuff's happening. I'm very likely buying a house. Melissa and I will quickly become homeowners. LIVING THE AMERICAN...