a fun little hello image

Hi. I'm Aaron. Welcome to my website. I'm glad you're here.

I write and create things to entertain and inform... mostly myself. I don't sell anything. I'm not here to make money. I'm here to enjoy myself; and I hope you do too.

Main Attractions

This website is hosted by GitHub Pages, utilizing the Minimal Mistakes theme with almost no retooling.

Recent posts

#338 - Avengers: Infinity War (No spoilers)

  4 minute read

Motto: Balance to the UniverseI've been unable to write this column for the past 50 hours since I watched Avengers: Infinity War for the first time. My brain...

#337 - Apple iCosystem

  2 minute read

Motto: girl scout cookies are a treat, boy scout popcorn is an obligationFirst, because I never do, here's a short poem:Running through the forest.Dodging tr...

#336 - Memes & Pictures and Previews

  1 minute read

Motto: Shooter McGavin was in an episode of Star Trek: The Next GenerationI haven't written much lately cause I've been busy.I rewatched Thor: Ragnarok. I th...